Gloucester Va Boating Accident : 16-year-old boy from Gloucester lost his life

 A tragic incident occurred on Sunday on the York River in Virginia, where a 16-year-old boy from Gloucester lost his life after the personal watercraft he was riding collided with his stepfather's pontoon boat. The crash occurred near Machicomoco State Park in Gloucester County, prompting the Marine police to respond to the Gloucester Point Boat Ramp following the collision report at approximately 3 p.m.

According to Zachary Widgeon, the Public Information Officer with Virginia Marine Police, investigators are collecting witness testimonies; the initial belief is that the collision was an accident. The crash involved a Yamaha personal watercraft driven by the 16-year-old and his stepfather operating the pontoon boat, which had ten passengers on board. The passengers on the pontoon boat managed to rescue the teen from the water and brought him to the boat ramp, where Gloucester County Volunteer Fire and Rescue provided rescue services. Tragically, the boy was declared dead at the scene.

The incident has deeply affected the family and all those involved, with many expressing sympathy for the young boy and his loved ones. Despite the loss, authorities do not suspect alcohol to be a factor in the crash, and currently, no charges are pending.

It remains unclear at this point who is at fault for the collision, but investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the accident.


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